March Mindbenders

Taxi Delay

At five to one, Jane phoned a taxi company to book a taxi for a group of friends.  She was told that the taxi will arrive in ten minutes, and told the rest of the group this.

At two o’clock, the taxi had still not arrived.  In fact, it did not arrive until five past two.  However, nobody had felt any concern or impatience over the delay, or bothered to enquire about it.  Why?


How Many Sweets?

Andrew, Ben and Claire have been shopping and all filled up their pic-’n’-mix bags quite a bit!

Now if Andrew gives 35 of his sweets to Ben, then Ben will have as many sweets as the other two put together.  However, if Andrew instead gives the same 35 sweets to Claire, then Ben will have only half as many as the other two put together.  If each of them then eats 45 of their sweets, then someone will have none left!

How many did each of them have to begin with?  (By the way, none of them started with more than 100.)


Matchstick Puzzles

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Move four matches to make nine squares.


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Remove one match and move two to reconstruct the three squares.


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