May Mindbenders

Mixed Lids

Three identical opaque jars each contain ten marbles of identical size, shape and texture.  One contains ten red marbles, one contains ten blue, and the other contains five red and five blue.  The lid of each jar is labelled according to its contents (‘red’, ‘blue’, ‘red and blue’), except that someone has mixed them up; all you know now is that each lid is on the wrong jar.

Without looking into any jar, how many marbles do you need to take from which jars in order to sort out the jumbled lids?


Continue the Sequences

  1. 14, 19, 29, 40, 44, 52, ?
  2. 101, 98, 104, 92, 116, 68, ?


Matchstick Puzzles

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Remove eight matches to leave six squares.


Starting with the same pattern, remove eight matches to leave two squares.


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